Vendor Terms and Condition

Terms & Condition

    Vendor Terms and Condition

  • Vendor is required to keep at least one attendant in their booth for the duration of the festival and the booth must be kept presentable at all times.
  • Vendor must provide their own power cords, adapters, propane, or charcoal for cooking.
  • Santa Anita Park will provide electricity and water at a to be determined price.
  • There will be security present throughout the festival. However, Santa Anita Park is not responsible for any loss or damage to your property.
  • Vendor shall assume all responsibility for compliance with local, city, state and federal safety, fire and health and other ordinances and laws regarding installation of and operation of equipment, displays and exhibit materials.
  • Vendor shall be solely responsible to comply with all requirements under the Health Code Requirements Community Events in LA County booklet published by the Public Health of Los Angeles County and have the 2023 Los Angeles County Health Permit.
  • By signing this agreement, you are holding Santa Anita Park and Apex Global Groups Inc, their officers, agents, employees, independent contractors, consultants, and volunteers harmless for any and all theft, vandalism, damage to property or goods, or bodily injuries that may occur to you or your officers, agents, employees, and volunteers, assistants, property, equipment, and goods during the event including set-up and take-down of your booth.
  • In the event a dispute shall arise between the parties to this contract, it is hereby agreed that the dispute shall be referred to United States Arbitration & Mediation for arbitration in accordance with United States Arbitration & Mediation Rules of Arbitration.
  • Vendors agree to abide to all terms, conditions and show regulations under this signed contract including Vendor's Manual and final regulation from Santa Anita Park.
  • Vendors are strictly prohibited from sub-leasing any booth space or sponsorship placements.
  • Vendors may only sell items or promote goods listed and agreed to in this contract. Any changes to Vendors items or goods must be approved by Organizer.
  • Vendors are responsible for the delivery and removal of their own goods. No unloading labor or support staff will be available to assist with transportation of goods. No forklifts, pallet jacks, dollies or any equipment will be available on site from Organizer.
  • Vendors are required to clear out all merchandise / displays on the second show day by midnight (date to be determined). No moving out is allowed on (date to be determined). Charge of a moving fee, if any, is to be borne by Vendors.
  • Vehicles improperly parked on venue grounds will be towed at owner's expense without prior notice.
  • The Undersigned Vendor agrees to provide its own general liability insurance coverage for the 2024 Lantern Festival to insure against theft, fire, smoke, flood, or any other loss or causality during the event days including move-in and move-out periods. Vendors also agree to have Apex Global Groups Inc. named as an additional insured. Global Groups Inc.
  • Organizer reserves the right to refuse admission or evict a Vendor without refund for behavior likely to cause damage, injury, or nuisance, and to remove any person(s) for reasons of public safety, overcrowding or otherwise.
  • Organizer reserves the right to charge Vendors for any damages caused by Vendors to property and or merchandise during move-in, show days and or move-out.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to approve the contents and character of all exhibits and reserves the right to prohibit or expel any merchandise that does not keep with the character of the show. All booth signage and displays will be subject to the approval of the Organizer. This includes signs indicating a reduction in price. These signs may be removed by the Organizer in order for the show to maintain a professional appearance.
  • Organizer reserves the right to assign or reassign vendor space in its sole discretion for the event, and organizer reserves the right to change the floor plan or to move a vendor to another location prior to or during the event if Organizer in its sole discretion determines that in doing so is in the best interest of the event.
  • The vendor is responsible to the Organizer for seeing that his / her booth is maintained in a clean and orderly state. Should goods be left, they will be disposed of or stored by the Organizers who will have to right to charge vendor for such storage, disposal, or clean up.
  • All booths must be setup according to the approved floor plans by the Arcadia Fire Department. This is very important so as not to block all exit doors, signs, and aisles.
  • Vendors may only solicit its products and services including distributing fliers no greater than five (5) feet around Vendor's booth. Vendors are prohibited from posting any marketing or promotional materials in any common areas such as restrooms or doors.
  • Bootleg merchandise, grey market goods and unlicensed products or reproductions are NOT permitted for sale under any circumstances. If a booth or Vendor is caught offering these products for sale, the Vendor and any persons associated with the Vendor will be removed from the event premises without refund.
  • The Undersigned Vendor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Apex Global Groups Inc. and Santa Anita Park. their agents, officers, directors, employees, and contractors from and against any and all liabilities, damages, actions, costs, loss, claims and expenses.
  • The Undersigned Vendor agrees to participate and be physically present for the duration of both show days. A heavy penalty up to $5,000 will be strictly enforced on any vendors who for any reasons do not comply with this rule.
  • Vendors shall refrain from conducting or participating in games for money or other personal property, the operation of gambling devices, the conduct of a lottery or pool, or the selling or purchasing of lottery tickets at, on, in, or about the event grounds.
  • The Undersigned Vendor agrees to waive any and every claim which arises or may arise in its favor and against Apex Global Groups Inc., their agents, officers, directors, and employees during the term of the Contact or any extension or renewal, thereof, for any and all loss, or damage covered by valid and collectible insurance policies, to the extent that such loss or damage is covered under such insurance policies.
  • In the event of a natural disaster, act of insurrection, riot, war, accident, act of God or any other unforeseen circumstance and act beyond Apex Global Groups Inc.'s control that would prevent the show from being put up, any monies that were paid towards booth space or sponsorships are non-refundable.
  • Vendor understands, acknowledges and agrees that in the event of any Organizer's error or mistake, Organizer will not be responsible for any losses I damages; therefore Organizer's liability is limited only to refund the booth fee or sponsor fee paid by the Vendor to Organizer.
  • Should any dispute arise concerning the terms or the interpretation of this agreement, Organizer shall be entitled to and be awarded reasonable attorney's fees and costs, whether incurred for negotiation, litigation or otherwise, in addition to other relief to which it may be entitled.
  • All booths with outstanding balances after Date to determined will be made available to other Vendors and or Sponsors. No refunds or credits will be allowed within 90 days of October 18, 2024.
  • A finance charge of six (8%) percent per month, not to exceed the maximum rate allowed by law shall be applied each month to past due balances. If outstanding account is sent to our official collection company for debt recovery, all collection costs or a twenty-five (25%) percent surcharge will be added to existing balances.
  • All payments are non-refundable and can't be used for future credit on cancellations 90 days prior to October 18, 2024.
  • Standard Terms and Conditions are subject to change without notice.

    Release and Waiver of Liability Agreement

    WHEREAS, Apex Global Groups Inc. is the owner/operator/sponsor of 2024 Asian Lantern Festivaland is willing to permit the individuals (the "Invitees") signing this Agreement to participate in 2024 Asian Lantern Festival, upon the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2024 Asian Lantern Festival will take place on Santa Anita Park's premises or property (the "Premises") located at Santa Anita Park. 2024 Asian Lantern Festival, and Santa Anita Park may be collectively referred to as (the "Parties").
    In consideration for being provided the ability to participate in 2024 Asian Lantern Festival and enter Santa Anita Park, each person signing below hereby stipulates and agrees:
  • Use of Premises for 2024 Asian Lantern Festival Only.
  • I understand and agree that I may only use the Premises for 2024 Asian Lantern Festival set forth in this Release and Waiver of Liability agreement at the following date(s) and time: DATE TO BE DETERMINED (ALL DAY, BOTH DAYS). I further agree that I am responsible for the proper use and care of the Premises and any of Santa Anita Park's property thereon, and that I will be liable for the replacement cost of any Santa Anita Park property/equipment which is damaged, destroyed or lost.
  • Assumption of Risk.
  • I understand and acknowledge that the Activity I want to participate in may be dangerous and may involve the risk that I will sustain serious injury, temporary or permanent disability, death, and/or property damage. I understand that 2024 Asian Lantern Festival may not be supervised, and that Santa Anita Park does not provide medical services. I further acknowledge that any injury I may sustain while participating in 2024 Asian Lantern Festival may be compounded by negligent or delayed medical service or negligent or delayed assistance by Santa Anita Park. I VOLUNTARILY AND FREELY ASSUME ALL RISKS AND DANGERS THAT MAY OCCUR PURSUANT TO MY USE OF THE PREMISES AND PARTICIPATION IN ACTIVITIES ON THE PREMISES, INCLUDING THE RISK OF INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, EVEN IF CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE OF THE COMPANY.
  • Release from Liability.
  • I hereby agree, on behalf of myself, my heirs and my personal representatives, to fully and forever discharge and release Santa Anita Park, and its affiliates, and their respective partners, agents, operators, managers, employees, and representatives ("Released Parties") from any and all claims I may have or hereinafter have for any injury, temporary or permanent disability, death, damages, liabilities, expenses and/or causes of action, now known or hereinafter known in any jurisdiction in the world, attributable or relating in any manner to my entry upon and use of the Premises and participation in 2024 Asian Lantern Festival, whether caused by the negligence of Santa Anita Park or any of the Released Parties or by any other reason. I acknowledge and agree that this Release and Waiver of Liability for a Potentially Dangerous Activity is intended to be, and is, a complete release, as much as allowed by law, of any responsibility of the Released Parties for all personal injuries, temporary or permanent disability, death, and/or property damage sustained by me while on or using the Premises or participating in 2024 Asian Lantern Festival .
  • Covenant Not to Sue.
  • I agree, for myself and all my heirs, not to sue the Released Parties or initiate or assist in the prosecution of any claim for damages or cause of action against the Released Parties which I or my heirs may have as a result of any personal injury, death or property damage I may sustain while on or using the Premises or while participating in 2024 Asian Lantern Festival .
  • Indemnification
  • I hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Santa Anita Park and the Released Parties from and against any third-party losses, damages, actions, suits, claims, judgments, settlements, awards, interest, penalties, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) and costs of any kind for any personal injury, loss of life or damage to roperty sustained by reason of or arising out of my use of the Premises or participation in any Activities on the Premises.
  • Medical Treatment Release.
  • I hereby authorize Santa Anita Park to secure, and I consent to, any medical treatment that may be given to me should Santa Anita Park determine, in its sole discretion, that I need medical care, as a result of my being on the Premises or from participating in 2024 Asian Lantern Festival . I accept full responsibility for all costs related to my medical treatment, including any transport costs, and I release all parties involved from any type of liability for anything that may happen during my treatment or transport.
  • Responsibility for Personal Property.
  • I acknowledge and agree that I am fully and solely responsible for any of my property and personal belongings that I bring onto the Premises or that I use during 2024 Asian Lantern Festival , and that Santa Anita Park will not be responsible for or provide any security for my property and personal belongings.
  • No Representations by Santa Anita Park.
  • I acknowledge that Santa Anita Park makes no representation as to the condition of the Premises or the safety of 2024 Asian Lantern Festival or any equipment either on the Premises or used in 2024 Asian Lantern Festival. I accept and shall use the Premises, and its equipment, in its "AS IS" condition. I acknowledge and agree that I am not relying upon any representation or statement by Santa Anita Park employees, agents, sponsors, or representatives regarding this agreement or the Premises or 2024 Asian Lantern Festival, except to the extent such representations are expressly set forth in this agreement.
  • Governing Law and Venue.
  • This Release and Waiver of Liability agreement will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of law of such state. I agree that any action arising out of this Release and Waiver of Liability agreement must be brought exclusively in any state or federal court located in Los Angeles, California.
  • Waiver.
  • No waiver of any term or right in this Release and Waiver of Liability agreement shall be effective unless in writing, signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party. The failure of any party to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not be construed as a waiver or modification of such provision, or impairment of its right to enforce such provision or any other provision of this agreement thereafter.
  • Survival.
  • Any provision of this Release and Waiver of Liability agreement providing for performance by either party after termination of this agreement shall survive such termination and shall continue to be effective and enforceable.
  • Compliance with Laws.
  • In the performance of the terms of this Release and Waiver of Liability agreement and use of the Premises, the parties shall comply with all applicable federal, state, regional and local laws, rules and regulations.
  • Severability.
  • If any provision or portion of this Release and Waiver of Liability agreement shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions or portions shall remain in full force and effect.
  • Entire Agreement
  • Modification; Binding Effect. This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior agreement or communications between the parties, whether written, oral, electronic, or otherwise. No change, modification, amendment, or addition of or to this agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by authorized representatives of the parties. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors, assigns, and legal representatives of the parties.